Friday, January 17, 2014

Some people!

So let's all collectively laugh at this lovely email I received from two lovely women. First, a little background: I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but on Thursdays and some Fridays in the afternoon I nanny two brothers, an eight-year-old and an eleven-year-old. I've been taking care of them literally since the oldest was in diapers when they moved in next door, and nannying for years before Maisie was born. I love these guys. I didn't want to stop, even with all her health complications, so whenever I can my mom takes Maisie wherever she needs to go (be it the doctor or the aquarium or the zoo...they have some cool outings) and for three hours I take care of Nathan and Joshua. Well, it so happens that I took both boys on yesterday and today. Nathan has a group project he's working on for school, and on both days a little girl and a little boy came here on the bus with him and Joshua. On Thursday, I made chocolate-chip zucchini bread (recipe here although I tweaked it a while ago for Maisie's needs and so it's even healthier than that recipe) and on Friday I made ricotta cheese power Oreos (I can't find the recipe online so I guess I'll have to post it for y'all later). I bake healthy food in disguise like this all the time, I love it. All these things taste like regular chocolate chip cake or Oreos but are actually surprisingly good for you, full of veggies and protein and stuff. However, I did not feel the need to share all that information with these eight-year-old children when they came over and devoured cake and Oreos. And, lo and behold, I just got this delightful joint email from their mothers. We'll call them Healthy Heather and Judgmental Julia because I don't want to post their real names.


As I'm sure you know, Heather and I (Julia) are the mothers of Hannah and Jake, who came to your home yesterday and today with Nathan. Both of our kids came home with tales of chocolate cake and cookies that you plied them with upon returning to school.  They also relayed Nathan tell them you bake stuff like this for them all the time, really every time they come to your house they get a treat like this.

We understand that you only see these boys once a week and a little spoiling once in a while is fun. However, we strongly urge you not to make overindulging a habit, especially with young, impressionable boys with malleable minds and ideas. Simply put, this is not healthy! We know you have a daughter with special needs and a diet disorder, and the idea that you are regularly pouring this kind of, well, crap into her mouth is sickening. She needs healthy, clean food, not sugar and fat.

We are sorry if we are offending you in any way, but this sort of diet requires immediate intervention before your weight and health get completely out of hand. We urge strongly urge you to research the negative side affects of consuming too much sugar, sodium, fat, and cholesterol, and particularly, the keywords "childhood obesity," "heart disease," and "heart attack."

We only have your and your daughter's (and whatever other children are in your care) best interests in mind.

Healthy Heather and Judgmental Julia"

I have no words. Honestly. The email speaks for itself.

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