Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Testing, testing 123

Whew! What a day!

We started with a hearty breakfast of half a packet of oatmeal and three pieces of banana. This was such a huge accomplishment. She hasn't eaten that much in days. Fantastic.

Then we went down to the lab to have blood drawn and take urine samples. Then we had an hour to relax and play in the playroom before we met with the neurologist and RDS to discuss doing an electroencephalograph (EEG) and an electroretinogram (ERG). I guess I have been so concerned with her weight loss and hypotonia that I've forgotten to mention the seizures and her continued vision problems. She has had an EEG done before but it was quite some time ago and the neurologist believes that her vision problems (bad night vision, slow adjustment to light) and her seizures are directly connected. Thus, we had an ERG today and will proceed with the EEG and a CAT scan tomorrow. I'll tell you all those results tomorrow. If all goes well, we'll head home on Friday, probably in the evening somewhere.

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