Saturday, May 31, 2014

giving words

Oh, this little girl.

We have had a wonderful few days, quiet and peaceful

Her pain seems to have finally subsided with the addition of a new pain medicine

Her lungs are clear

Her body is still (ish)

Her eyes are bright

Her ears are open

Preschool is so amazing for her

She is seeing children her own age doing things she remembers being able to do

Walking, talking, eating, laughing, singing, playing

She's trying to find these skills inside of herself again.

Her cry has subsided but she is making more noise, trying to talk

She is incoherent still, like a babbling infant, but I know she has something to say and something to tell me, so every time I hear her tiny voice I respond. Alone in my house except for my little girl, I am always talking to my baby. I sing and chant and describe what I am doing. In my mind, I'm giving her words. Material to work with. Sounds to form with her weak tongue, lips, jaw, and I know one day she will talk back in words recognized by Merriam-Webster. 

She is so amazing, isn't she?

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