Saturday, January 3, 2015


I had my third ultrasound this morning and it's been confirmed that our baby has some limb differences.

Her right arm is amputated below the elbow and her right foot is weird. Hard to tell from the ultrasound what "weird" means, but it's pretty obvious that it's not normal.

And you know what?

I don't really care.

I know that some people might be really devastated by this news, but the thing is, our little squish has no abnormalities in her lungs, heart, brain, eyes...none of the stuff that really matters.

And that stuff is what really matters. In the long run, kids who have limb differences lead much more "normal" lives than kids with complex medical problems -- kids like Maisie.

I've been perusing blogs like This Little Miggy, whose daughter "Lamp" has limb differences affecting all four limbs.

And she's just fine.

We have no reason to believe that Squishy will be any different. (yeah. Squishy. That's her nickname. We don't know what her gender is, but I feel certain Squishy's a girl :)

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