Thursday, January 1, 2015

Seventeen days

That's how long we've been in the hospital.

Seems like a lot long than two weeks, but that's all it's been.

Maisie is fighting hard to breath over the vent and while she's not doing a great job right now, it's obvious that she's trying.

She's perked up a bit in the last day or so and was even alert and happy enough to dance to Taylor Swift and ring in the New Year.

She's off of antibiotics and anything other than what she takes normally (Mestinon, Imuran, Zyrtec, Levalbuterol, Keppra, diuretics, Prozac, digestive enzymes.) Her chest tube was finally pulled two days ago and she officially no longer has pneumonia or pleurisy/pleural effusion. So that's good. Her breathing problems are completely due to hypotonia.

I did have a level-two ultrasound a few days ago and it seems that my baby might have limb differences. I have another scan day after tomorrow to get some clarity, but the consensus seems to be that nothing besides her appendages are affected -- normal brain, heart, lungs, etc. Which is awesome. After everything Maisie went through, I honestly can't complain over a missing hand.

<3 Charlotte

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