Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Merry Trach-less New Year!!!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there has been no tracheostomy for Maisie the Great!

It's been a psychotic few days.

If you read my last post you know that she was scheduled for a tracheostomy on December 26.

This, friends, did not happen.

There was a scheduling mix-up (this happens WAY TOO OFTEN. Hospital people, GET IT TOGETHER!) and we were bumped back two days.

And then, by some crazy miracle, Maisie started breathing over the vent. Breathing on her own. Up until this point she had been riding the vent almost completely (allowing it to do all her breathing for her) and suddenly, she was working hard and struggling to breathe on her own.

It's obvious that it's very, very hard for her.

And she is still intubated.

BUT! The surgeon is going away for two weeks to celebrate the new year, and he and her pulmonologist want to give her another chance. So we're going to be in the hospital for the next few weeks. On January 14th, she will be re-evaluated.

Truth is, she will probably still get a trach.

But somehow, it means a lot to me that 2014 will not end with a tracheostomy.

2014 will end with hope.

Unfounded, ridiculous, illogical hope.

But hope.

Happy New Year :)

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