Sunday, December 7, 2014

In sickness and in health

Last Friday I called my mom to let her know that I was in the hospital, and she immediately wanted to know what's wrong with Maisie. But nothing was wrong with Maisie, it was me! I was hospitalized after I spiked a 105 degree fever at around 2:00 on Friday morning. I woke up in the middle of the night freezing, shaking, and delirious. Then I vomited six or seven times and passed out and Jeff called 911. I'm fine now, they gave me an antibiotic and IV fluids and something for the fever and kept me overnight. Turns out I just have a very bad flu. I came home on Saturday night and I'm feeling worlds better today.

This post is about Jeff. My hero.

When I woke up on Saturday morning I was thinking clearly for the first time in 24 hours and I immediately freaked about Maisie. Had she gotten her meds? Her enzymes? Her meals? Her boluses? Did someone check and clean her stoma and change her button buddy? Had she been weighed?

The answer is yes.

Jeff was amazing. For twenty-four hours he took care of all of Maisie's many needs without me. He sent the ambulance to the hospital with our neighbor, a dear friend, to take care of me and stayed behind with Maisie. When she'd had all her medications and could just chill he switched places with Stacy, and stayed with me for a while.

This man. Jeff is amazing. He did not have to take care of Maisie as much as he has. He made himself her father because she did not have one. What a guy.

Thank you.

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