Sunday, December 7, 2014

Look ma, no hands!

I have felt energy from this little girl like nothing I've seen in years.

She was up and down, in and out, playing with everything and making a mess.

Maisie has been "walking" in a pediatric walker for weeks now. 

It looks a bit like this and gives her A LOT of support.

She needs it.

Her gross motor skills are pretty limited. She can stand holding the edge of a table or a hand or something. She can sit up. In the walker, she can move. But I've never seen her stand unassisted.

We started putting Christmas decorations up today.

Maisie was "helping" by using the various boxes to practice her standing.

I tossed a stuffed snowman out of a box.

She saw it, and turned toward it.

She let go of her box.

For maybe six seconds, she stood all by herself.

And then she was so surprised by what she had achieved that she fell over.

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