Thursday, December 11, 2014


Somebody has an oxygen tube.


Maisie had a "breathing episode" yesterday that culminated in a trip to the ER. As you might know she had a lobectomy when she was a two and a half to remove the bottommost lobe of her right lung because it was nonfunctional and at risk for causing infections. Anyway, yesterday her sats were in the 60s and refused to go up after two nebulizer treatments and then they suddenly dropped into the 40s. I called 911 (she was BLUE). The only thing that got her oxygen sats back to the mid-80s was the oxygen tube in her nose. So that's where we are right now. Kind of exactly like this poor baby:

No idea how long the oxygen tube will be with us. We have a lung x-ray and a follow-up with the pulmonologist scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, and hopefully then we'll get some clarity.


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