Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas on the closed ward

Merry Christmas!!

I didn't actually take that picture but that's pretty much what Christmas in pediatrics looks like. 

There are baubles and IV poles, stockings and hasn't been very merry, to be honest.

I'm exhausted. I haven't been home in three days. One of the best Christmas presents I got was a shower in our next door neighbor's wheelchair-accessible shower, which is bigger and nicer than the cramped little thing in Maisie's room.

It was very sweet, it really was. They had a Santa come around just after the kids were woken up for middle-of-the-night blood draws and vitals checks, so they would hear a rustling and see Santa Claus delivering presents.

They all got stockings hung in their rooms that he filled, and the nurses had festive scrubs and there was even a Christmas tree.

And of course Maisie got some lovely presents. Jeff made sure of that.

It's all been overshadowed by the news we got this morning.


After dilly-dallying for days, the doctors have finally decided that the best thing to do is trach Maisie so she can come home. It's become very clear that she can no longer breathe on her own.

The surgery is scheduled for midday tomorrow so she'll probably go back around dinnertime. 

*laughs* Hospital time.

I'm sorry this has been such a mleh post. I'm just feeling like a Debby Downer right now.

I want to go home. I want Maisie's lungs to do their fucking job. I don't want a trach.

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