Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!!!

there is no illness in my house
there is no pain
no needles
no dialysis
no diagnostics
Today there is no suffering
Today there is a four year old
Who is four
Not four-going-on-twenty
But four
Not suffering four
Not sad four
Not scared four
Not damaged four
But four

About a half an hour ago, Maisie keeled over and fell asleep, facefirst, into a pile of used wrapping paper and new socks on an armchair, clutching three new stuffed animals. Jeff just carried her upstairs and tucked her into bed. I think this scene speaks to the success of our Christmas Day. She about wet herself when she started unwrapping presents, she was so excited. Mom, Dad, Jeff, and I just sat around with cups of coffee for hours watching her play. She is the best. This is a season of hope, but sometimes in the fluorescent light of hospitals and doctor's offices, I forget about the hope. I see doctors and surgeries and medicine and pain in the future, but I don't see hope.

But she does. She always does. Maisie is smart. She knows that her future hold pain, sorrow, suffering. She knows that her future is undetermined, she knows that her life is not the same as it is for her classmates and friends (except Kaitlynn) but she also knows that there is always hope. She never loses sight of the good things and the happy things. She sees them, always and everywhere, even during intense suffering. She sees hope. She is hope.

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