Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Eye of the Storm

As y'all probably know, Christmas is in (gasp!) three days! We're taking Maisie home today so she can celebrate Christmas with us. We'll spend the next three days decorating, baking cookies, shopping, wrapping presents, unwrapping presents, etc. In light of her recent struggles, I am reminded how important it is to celebrate every moment of Maisie's life. Any Christmas could be her last. Any birthday could be her last. It's worth it to make sure she spends her days, even if they are numbered, full of joy and glitter and sparkling lights.

This morning Jeff and I went Christmas shopping for Maisie while Mom helped her get ready to go home. She's had a huge Doc McStuffins thing going on for a while now so we got her a pile of Doc stuff.

<--Right now this is sitting in the basement waiting to be wrapped (we took it out of the box for ease of playing on Christmas morning. It's worked better that way in the past). Those are her "patients" over there -- I don't have actual pictures but we got all those guys for her. And then there's a Doc McStuffins doctor's outfit and some more tools and a clipboard thing. I know she'll be thrilled. And hopefully these things are small enough that she can take them to the hospital to cheer up the long, dreary hospital visits that I know are coming. I hope this Christmas is a dream come true for Maisie, but I know it's just the calm eye of the storm. But if I have anything to do with it, it's going to be a festive, spirited happy-happy-happy calm eye.

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