Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Blenders, fingernails, dialysis, oh my!

We're still here at the hospital.

Last night I made up a huge batch of blenderized food for Maisie, which we started today. Beets, spinach, avocado, quinoa, blueberries, coconut oil, sweet potatoes, chickpeas, bananas, doesn't have to taste good because she doesn't have to taste it. We're starting out slow, only doing the blenderized diet at lunchtime and only doing half the feed blenderized. The rest is our prescription formula. We'll slowly work up to full-time blenderized diet.

The last PET told us that all she had left of the tumor is a small spot at the top of her kidney. This is good news and bad news. The good news is that the spot is only about the size of my fingernail. The bad news is it's pretty well embedded in her kidney. Because the kidney is so small and weak to begin with, the doctors don't want to cut it up to remove the tumor. The biopsy told us that the tumor is benign, so it's likely that it won't spread. But it might still cause her trouble with her already troubled kidney function.

Speaking of kidney function, she is now at 50%. This is a 20% decline and very worrisome to all of us. For now, we'll be staying in the hospital for another few days without doing anything to her kidneys. When the previous incisions are healed, we will get a more accurate estimate of her kidney function and see, over the course of a few days, if there is any more decline. In the meantime, she'll be on dialysis for two to three hours every day.

Hopefully we're looking at no more than two more weeks here at the hospital, and then we can bust out of this joint and go home.

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