Sunday, February 22, 2015

In pictures

I follow a number of blogs written by mommies of medically complex children, like my Maisie the Great, and once in a while I see a photo and I just think 'yep, that's Maisie.'

So a few weeks back I came across these pictures on the blog Life with Lily, and my breath caught at the stunning similarities between Lily and Maisie.

Although today she was a bit more like this:

(the third picture is from ABC news. the last two are of Piper Breinholt, who has CCMS. I have always been amazed by the physical similarities between Piper and Maisie. Maisie is hardly any bigger than Piper, and between those skinny little legs and the trach now, they look a lot alike.)

When she woke up this morning she was so perky and happy, it was wonderful. She was sitting up and playing and babbling on and on. What a little fighter. She's even gained a little weight, so she's around 21 pounds. Yay! She is still getting daily growth hormone shots, which is one more thing Jeff or I will have to do at home. I'm not sure if she's grown height-wise at all, they only measure that once a month but she gets weighed once a week. I feel like I'm getting my sweet little girl back, and I can't wait.

Miranda's plane landed this morning and she arrived at my parents' place at 8:00 or so. She's been here, hanging out with Maisie, who is having a grand old time. Tomorrow I will leave Maisie in Miranda's capable hands and head back to NJ to get the house set up for Maisie's imminent arrival home. 

Home. It sounds so wonderful. We're going home.



Provided that Jeff and I can everything organized by then, Maisie can probably be discharged Friday or Saturday, which is even sooner than originally planned.

God is good.

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