Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Up late, can't sleep, surgery tomorrow!

The title says it all, ugh.

Forgive the nonsensical nature of this post. I'm tired.

Maisie's surgery is scheduled to start bright and early at 7:00 tomorrow morning. She will be in surgery until about 1:00 in the afternoon.

The thymectomy will happen first (to be clear, she is having her THYMUS taken out. I guess autocorrect changed it to thyroid in a bunch of my other posts. Either than or I typed wrong :) She'll be have a transcervical thymectomy, which means they'll be taking her thymus out through an incision in her neck instead of opening her chest the same way they would for open-heart surgery.

Then the Broviac line will be place and the port implanted. Hopefully, if all goes well with the surgery and we get all our supplies and equipment set up at home, we'll be going home on March 1st!

Hopefully our supplier will come through for us by Monday and I will be able to make a trip home to get her equipment set up. We will have to rearrange our house a bit to accommodate everything, but it's all so worth it.

It's hard to believe that after being in the hospital for two months, we are finally going home.

I have been flopping around tonight, trying so hard to fall asleep so I will be alert and awake when
they take Maisie back to put her under anesthesia.

Facing surgery for your child is terrifying, even when it is one that should dramatically increase their quality of life.

There is just so much that could go wrong.

She is doing so well finally, with speech, physical, and occupational therapy. She is already fighting to breath over the ventilator, and she shocked everyone when she was jabbering away just HOURS after trach surgery.

My beautiful girl is smiling, giggling, chattering, and even walking (okay, in a walker) again. I feel like I have my Maisie the Great back, and there is a part of me that is terrified something will go terribly wrong with this surgery and I'll lose my sweet girl again.

Please pray for us that the surgery goes beautifully and the supplier gets us everything we need in time for our home date!

Oh, also, tomorrow we break our record for the longest hospital stay! 68 days! *unenthused woo-hoo-ing*

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