Friday, November 22, 2013

In the clear!

No more tumors!


We just got the test results back from the second scan after Maisie's second surgery, and she has no more tumors!

The oncologist, Dr. Nitari, is insisting that Maisie stay in the hospital a few more days. Kaitlynn's still with her, and while we wait she's going to be on dialysis constantly. When she's released me, Maisie, Kaitlynn, and her mom will drive up to Montauk to be with Charlotte and Jeff. I talked to them yesterday and Charlotte is feeling much better but she misses her Maisie.

Miranda will be there soon too. She has a week off for Thanksgiving, and we're thinking we'll spend a quiet holiday at the lakehouse.

Hopefully nothing medically significant will happen for the next, say, two weeks? We'll see.

:) Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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