Sunday, November 10, 2013

The blog got a makeover!

Hello, everybody!

Well, this retroactive posting proved to be way too confusing for Google Blogger, so we moved all the posts from 2009 to pages (see above) and will now be posting current stuff while at the same time updating the past few years.

Maisie just turned four a few months ago. Overall she's doing really well, but she's still got some health issues. She probably will for the rest of her life.

Right now, we don't know how long she'll live, or how healthy she'll grow to be. She could live into her nineties. She could die before she turns six. It's brutal to write about, but I want to put that possibility out there. It seems like every few weeks some fresh new problem crops up. As she's grown we've developed a better sense of how she's developing and how she was affected by the attack. Her coming into this world was more than a premature birth - it was such a violent end to the pregnancy that her birth was rather unique, and so also will her life be. She's an amazing kid, though. She's spent almost half her life in the hospital, but she wakes up with a smile on her face. She has no anger, no fear.

She is awesome.

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