Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Well, the surgery's over and the tumor is being sent off for analysis. They finished around 3:00 yesterday afternoon and Maisie's pretty much been sedated or asleep since then. She should wake up in a few hours and when she does she'll have a happy surprise - Kaitlynn is here! Apparently she was up in Boston for some experimental treatment test something or other and decided to just stay there for her next round of chemotherapy.

Well, she finished her chemo a week or so ago (ironically on the same day Maisie got this bugger) and is taking the scenic route home to Baltimore - and by scenic I mean the Maisie route. They've missed each other (in case you missed it, Kaitlynn is an nine-year-old bone cancer patient who Maisie met when she was two and the tetanus went wacko and we went to Hospital #2 for treatment. They bonded instantly and if I didn't know better I would have said they were separated at birth. Unfortunately, Kaitlynn relapsed badly and had to go to a specialer specialist in a different hospital several states away while Maisie was still in New York.)

I know that seeing her old friend will brighten Maisie's spirits considerably. Kaitlynn looks good, too, way better than she did last time Maisie saw her; when both girls were flirting with death they were pretty scary sights - gaunt, green-skinned, sunken eyes, scary-skinny. I think Kaitlynn is finally on the path to recovery. She's gained weight and doesn't look so frail and sunken anymore. Her eyes are bright and alert, her hair is shiny and thick again. I can't wait for Maisie to see her.

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