Monday, November 11, 2013

The Great Lung Discovery of Two Years Ago

I just realized that y'all didn't hear about the Great Lung Discovery of January Two Years Ago. So let's chat about that.

As you know Maisie has 70% kidney function. Actually, a lot of her organs are like that, not functioning at full potential. For instance, she has to be pretty careful about what she eats because her pancreas only functions at 80%. So the sweets and stuff, she has to be cautious about. She is by no means diabetic, but we just have to keep an eye on her blood sugar. Also, when she was first born, Maisie had a lot of trouble breathing. In fact, for the first year or so of her life she was on oxygen most of the time. This was because her tiny little lungs were underdeveloped. Eventually they came into their own and starting working pretty well.

Well. The January Maisie was eighteen months old, Maisie fell down the stairs. The next day she turned yellow and started vomiting like nobody's business. We rushed her to the hospital and they found that the weak spot in her stomach had torn when she got fell down the stairs and gastric acid was leaking onto her liver, thus the yellow. The amazing gastroenterologist Dr. Heffern sewed up her stomach with some surgical mesh, cleaned up her liver and coaxed it into back into working order. While Maisie was healing from all that, she somehow managed to get a cold, which as we all know is not a good thing when you're Maisie. So the poor girl was struggling to breathe and had to get the ear, nose, and throat doctor, as well as the pulmonologist, involved so she could breathe again. But even when her breathing was clear and she reported that she felt normal, they realized that her blood oxygen levels were kind of low. And so they did some digging and discovered that the lower half of her right lung is dead. Just dead. Doesn't do shinola. The crazy part is, we have no idea how long it's been like that. It might have died in the womb. It might have died when she was an infant. We don't know. But it's not really a big deal. She can breathe just fine, except when she gets a cold or something else restricts her lung capacity. Then we have an issue.

So yeah. The Great Lung Discovery.

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