Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Checking in, nothing new

Hello, hello.

First thing first, the tests for both Marateaux-Lamy Syndrome and FENIB came back negative. So there's that. I, for one, am increasingly convinced that there is nothing behind this other than a psycho end to a stressful pregnancy with repercussions reverberating through the years.

On the bright side, Kaitlynn will be here any minute! It's a been a looooooooooong time since these crazy kids have seen each other, Baltimore being a long way away with a sick little girl and Kaitlynn being in remission. Yes, that's right! She has had no cancer signs in ALMOST A YEAR. I don't want to jinx anything, but I swear this could be the end of her troubles. Wahoo!

My own little girl is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning. She's down three pounds since last week and has thrown up almost everything we've put in her mouth. I really don't want to do this but there are no other options. She's starving to death right before my eyes. This time tomorrow she'll be under the knife. I'm so scared. What if something goes wrong? What if the g-tube still doesn't solve the problem? What if she still can't gain weight even with a feeding tube? It's a distinct possibility. We're hoping that eliminating the extra effort of chewing and swallowing will allow her to get the right amount of calories. As soon as the tube is in we will start giving her medicine that will hopefully allow her to properly appropriate the nutrition and calories she takes in. But it's all guesswork. There's nothing definite. We're taking a shot in the dark.

Pray for her, please. She needs all the help she can get.

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