Monday, March 3, 2014

Home? Yes. Answers? No.

Well, spirits are pretty low around here.

We're home, yes, but we still have no answers about Maisie's funky EEG. We did repeat the test (THREE TIMES) and got the same bizarre pattern each time. I don't pretend to be an expert in this area, but just generally, a normal EEG is a fairly regular pattern without any huge jumps, like this:

Doctors can diagnose brain problems based on changes in this pattern. Maisie's brain is creating a spastic jump in the lines at a strange interval. They cannot figure out why or if it's connected to anything else. That's all the information I have right now. Grrrr. No one seems to want to tell me anything, and it has made me very angry. This is my child, my baby. What is going on in her little brain?


We actually left the center a week ago because Maisie got pretty sick with bacterial pneumonia. She's doing much better but had to be taken away from all these other immune-challenged kids. We're finally home, we're exhausted and cranky, and I just want some answers.

Prayers would be wonderful.

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