Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Update (written yesterday)

As you know if you read the first of yesterday's posts, Maisie's been having some kidney trouble again. We have an appointment with the nephrologist (kidney specialist) to check up on her function. She had a total of 70% kidney function at our last exam and though she has not been exhibiting symptoms but we did a blood and urine test at the doctor's a week and a half ago and it came back with high potassium and some other negative signs. It's possible to lose as much as 90% of kidney function without displaying symptoms, so our plan since Maisie felt fine was to just do a more in-depth urinalysis and dipstick, blood testing, and, depending on the results, possibly a biopsy.

That, as I say, was the plan.

But, always on her own schedule, Maisie the Great had other plans.

She woke up this morning with swollen feet, jaundiced eyes, and extreme pain in her left side. These symptoms indicate both kidney problems and liver problems. I called the nephrologist and the pediatrician and both told me to take her directly to the hospital. She spent the first three hours of the morning on dialysis. After three hours of dialysis she went in for an MRI on her abdomen. The disruption to her liver seems to be caused by overzealous scar tissue. In utero, when I was attacked, Maisie's liver took the brunt of the damage that she sustained. The doctors worked some magic and stitched her up and she made a pretty miraculous recovery, but it appears that for the past few years the scar and granulation tissue has been a little overzealous. This was always a possibility and it's possible that some of the new medication is aggravating the problem. She'll be going into surgery tomorrow morning bright and early at 8:00, so please send her prayers and good karma.

I will give you more information about her kidney situation after the meeting with the nephrologist tomorrow.

(what is wrong with me?! I wrote this yesterday and didn't post it. grr.)

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