Sunday, March 23, 2014

First Teresa Method session, dialysis, and South Carolina

Our first Teresa Method session was scheduled for yesterday morning, but it got bumped to Wednesday morning because the patient who had that slot got sick suddenly and had to cancel (her name is Libby and she's a friend of Maisie's, so keep her in your thoughts). Because Nadine has so many patients to get through each week, she asked if we could take an earlier slot. And it was great!

First I'll walk you through what happened during the session and the theory behind each activity. Some of this stuff is pretty far-fetched, so bear that in mind. Her theories are very experimental and a lot of things are based on old medicine. So the first exercise was nothing more complicated than Maisie rolling around on a lumpy yoga mat and then jumping on a trampoline (with Nadine's help). This was to excite Maisie's qi so that Nadine can identify her blockages. Then they did some rudimentary yoga kind of stuff to warm up and start the "realignment" process. You might notice that a lot of her theory is based on similar stuff as chiropractice (chiropracty?) and muscle therapy. That's because her theory is that there exits an "energy system" through the body just like the muscular system or the circulatory system or what have you. Her therapy is designed to maintain, strengthen, and heal this energy system.

So anyway they did some yoga stretches and then Nadine had Maisie lay down on a memory foam cushion. First Nadine worked on her legs and strength with hot rocks. Basically, she had a Crock pot of water and river rocks heating up during the beginning of the session. She took the warm rocks out, tested them to make sure they weren't too hot, and applied an aromatherapy oil to Maisie's thighs and upper arms. The rocks were placed on her one at a time with a great deal of pressure from Nadine's hands and then were allowed to sit undisturbed. In total Maisie had three rocks on each of her thighs and two on each arm. Then there was an "energy massage" where Nadine used her hands to conduct the energy through Maisie's body with more grace than apparently it was doing on its own.

That was the end of the session, and at first I didn't see any results or anything different. But on Thursday morning, I found Maisie sitting on the floor playing with Barbies when I went to wake her up. This is a big deal because she had to crawl around the railing on her bed and then climb down to the floor. I mean, that is dexterity and strength! It didn't last and by lunchtime she was weak and tired, but that one action gave me so much hope.

In other news, Maisie has started biweekly dialysis again because at our last doctor's appointment, the blood sample came back pretty gross. On Tuesday we are going to a kidney specialist to have her function analyzed and see if we need to take any more action.

I've saved the best for last: my mom's friend Loretta has a beautiful beach house in South Carolina and she has offered to let us stay there for a few weeks in the summer. Maisie has to be well and strong enough to be that far away from her doctors for that long, so we now have a goal to aspire to.

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