Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I've been trying to write a post about our meet with the nephrologist for days, but I can't. I can't bring myself to dwell on the results. I want to dwell on right now.

Last night, after we met with the nephrologist, my mom showed up to sit with Maisie so Jeff could take me out to dinner. We try to have our time together in the morning and some evenings, but with Maisie's medical concerns we haven't been on a proper date in months. So we stopped home so I could shower and change, and then we went to a beautiful Italian restaurant. There's nothing I love more than a good fettuccine alfredo, and this place makes the best. There were candles, the lights were dim, there was wine and Jeff was wearing a suit with the tie loosened just so, and then dessert came.

I reached for my fork, ready to destroy my chocolate mousse, and Jeff reached over and grabbed my hand. I won't record all his words but they were sweet and melancholy. Simple. Compassionate. And then he was bended knee and I said yes.

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